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As the brightest holiday of the year comes back around, its important to remember these July 4th safety tips when grilling with friends and family and lighting up the sky with colorful fireworks!

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Here are SJ Electric’s July 4th Safety Tips!

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1. Avoid Power Lines When Lighting Off Fireworks

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The safe way to enjoy your 4th of July is to light fireworks in open areas without nearby trees and power lines. If you do have an accident that involves an electric pole or a downed power line, remember not to touch any part of the pole or lines. Not only do you want to stand back from the incident, but you’ll also want to also make sure to call the fire department right away and keeps eyes on the situation to make sure a fire doesn’t start or spread to nearby buildings or structures

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2. Don’t Climb Trees Around Power Lines

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When you’re hosting a get together with friends and family, you know there is a lot of playing to be had especially amongst children and teenages. Going over electrical safety before starting the festivities could save your loved ones from getting into any danger with electricity. Where trees or shrubs are growing too close to power lines, make sure to address these areas ahead of time. This is unsafe and it’s best to avoid entirely.

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3. Place Your Grill AWAY From Water Sources

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Summer fun usually means water, especially here in the midwest. When you’re hanging out at the pool or down by the lake, your grill should be off your dock and about 10 feet from the shoreline/pool. Generally, 6 feet is the minimum but shoot for 10 feet just to be sure. It’s not worth the risk of ruining your grill from a cannonball splash. This also protects your food from getting wet at the same time.

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4. Use GFCI Outlets Whenever Possible

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GFCI outlets are literal lifesavers. If an electric device you have plugged in comes into contact with any amount of water, a GFCI outlet will instantly trip, keeping you and anyone else from getting burned, setting your house on fire, and even getting electrocuted. They detect even the slightest variations in electrical current and immediately shut off your appliance from receiving electrical current before it can do any harm by coming in contact with water. Consider installing GFCI outlets when it comes to all your lake/pool gatherings. Think of all the electrical devices like your electric grill, string lights, speaker, fans and other devices you use to keep the party going. 

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Stay safe this holiday by practicing your July 4th safety tips and be sure to call a professional if you have any concerns. SJ Electrical is always here to help. You can always reach us at 913-837-3549.
